You can do a part time retail job. If you are a student and want extra money to fulfill your needs then the only free time for you is summer. Summer retail jobs are although less in numbers but for students it is a great opportunity to get some cash. Overall if you look at the statistics for a retail job, most people in America are engaged in this employment. For retail recruitment people they are looking for need to match exactly their specifications, if you do not qualify then don't waste your time. Look for the jobs that suit you the best way possible.
Jobs relating to other departments such as Finance jobs are available, which as the name states requires you to have some degree or experience relating to finance. Retail healthcare job is another interesting job as this is a high paying job and some companies even offer free training, so a win all offer. Every company needs to market its product to achieve success, thus marketing is a very important sector in retail industry. There are temporary jobs available for a short duration if you want some money to get something and don't want to get involved in a long term thing then this job is for you. The temporary jobs include hours job where you assistance is required for some hours and you get paid for it at an hourly rate. The other jobs in this retail industry are: executive jobs, store jobs, find jobs, find a job, hospitality jobs, retail positions, cashier jobs etc. you can search for these jobs by internet or by newspaper.